A note from Mariah regarding KultureCity Training/Refreshers:
Potter Park Zoo is proud to partner with KultureCity to make our zoo sensory inclusive everyday. Our certification with KultureCity is renewed yearly and it requires all staff and volunteers to complete training through their website. Many of you completed your initial training in 2019. New volunteers will have to complete the initial training as well. In 2020, a refresher course was published and all volunteers must complete this one as well. Every year we will have a new course provided to us to ensure that our staff and volunteers can help our guests in any situation and are up to date on current best practices. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic they have added a new course that you will be required to complete as well.
If you have already completed the first training (I have a list if you do not remember) then you can just do the 'refresher' video and quiz and COVID-19 training. If you have completed training 101 and the refresher training, please complete the COVID-19 Medical Sensory Training.
Breakdown of trainings:
- Sensory Inclusive Training 101 - About 20 minutes
- Sensory Inclusive Refresher Training - About 6 minutes
- Sensory Inclusive COVID-19 Medical Sensory Training - 12 minutes
A short quiz is required after each video is complete. You must pass the quiz to receive a certificate and to be certified.
KultureCity has made logging into their website very easy! Every time you go in to complete a video and quiz, you will provide your first and last name and email. No password necessary 🙂 The link is here: https://training.kulturecity.org/venues/potter-park-zoo​
I, Mariah Martinez, manage all of the training and can log in to see who completes the trainings. Once you complete your modules, there is no need to notify me separately. Feel free to print out the certificate that is sent to your email! You earned it!
Once you complete the trainings, Mariah will update your qualification in Better Impact. Once this is done, you will see all FALCONERS events and will be able to sign up to volunteer at those events. Please note that since this qualification has to be updated manually, there will be a lag before you are able to see your new qualification in the system.
If you cannot view the videos and quiz because of your home set up please contact Mariah at falconers@ingham.org. We will provide you a paper version of the material. We will then set up arrangements for you to take the quizzes at the zoo.
Thank you for taking the time to do this. It is required by KultureCity to keep our certification. Many families have come to our zoo because of this certification and we want to keep up the good work!
Mariah Martinez
Community Engagement Coordinator